Best Humidifier for Asthma UK

Home Remedies for Babies with Colds Leave a comment

Most of the adults get a cold from time to time but little noses catch about eight colds in a year or more. So, this is the main reason that kids have to visit the doctor and miss their school, the sniffles and sneezes in babies are often not so serious but for parents that time is tough. If you know to deal with your baby so that he could feel better, or you know when it is appropriate to call a doctor, you can feel more confident and buy Best Humidifier for Asthma UK until the cold gets over.

What are the causes of cold?

Little babies get cold because of their weak immune systems. So, they are not ready to fight the viruses. When a person cough or sneezes, the cold virus spreads in the surroundings that cause these infections. The cold viruses also land on toys and tables. When little babies tough their toys and tables and then take their hands in their mouths, they are actually giving an easy entry route to the cold virus. Other sources of viruses may include schools, elder sisters and brothers,s or maybe a daycare center.

Symptoms of cold versus:

The signs of a cold virus can be shown after 1 to 3 days of infection. Following are the symptoms that can be found in young children.

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Fussiness
  • Reduced appetite
  • Stuffy nose
  • Runny nose
  • Trouble in sleeping

Treatment for the babies with cold:

After a few days, cold usually go away on their own. So, it is not so important to treat colds with antibiotics because this can only kill bacteria and it won’t work and in this case, viruses are to blame.

So, what you have to do is naturally calm your baby’s symptoms. Make sure that cold and cough medicines don’t work on children who are under the age of 6 years. And it might be possible that these products can cause dangerous side effects in young children. If your child is more than 6 months old and suffering from a fever, then you can use acetaminophen (children’s Tylenol) or ibuprofen (children’s Motrin or Advil).

Do not give your child those medicines that contain aspirin. If you do so it might cause a serious disease called Reye’s syndrome.

Symptoms, Causes, and Remedies for Colds in Babies

It is better to help your little one with some home remedies.

  1. Turn on a humidifier

Most of the parents often ask that is fresh air good for babies with cold. So, it is good to bundle up your sick baby and go outside because outdoor air is more humid than air in the house. But if you can’t go out then you should buy a humidifier to keep out your baby’s nose from drying. Wash the humidifier machine after using it to prevent it from bacteria.

  1. Extra fluids

You can also give water and pure fruit juice to your baby over 6 months. This will help in the prevention of dehydration. Also, it will help your baby to keep their mouth and nose moist.

When it is necessary to call a doctor?

If your baby is more than 3 months old, you don’t need to call a doctor. For younger infants, when the symptoms start, for example, if your baby has a fever, you can make a call to the doctor. Fever can cause pneumonia or an ear infection. So keep a check on it!

If you found any of the below-mentioned serious symptoms you need to call a doctor asap, no matter what your child’s age is.

  • Dehydration
  • Unusual sleepiness
  • Fever goes to 102 F or higher
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Eating disorder

So, buy a humidifier first for your home from Stadler from UK because they provide the best quality product.

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